
PSNR Measure

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I have a question about the PSNR Measure.

I am using from dival.measure import PSNR to compute the PSNR values on my results. Now just to be sure that everything is working I decided to compute the PSNR values of FBP to ground truth. I am using this reconstructor = construct_reconstructor('fbp', 'lodopab', impl='astra_cpu') as FBP reconstructor.

Now in the paper 'The LoDoPaB-CT Dataset' the PSNR for the FBP reconstruction of test sample 0 is given as 16.1 (Fig. 5). In the paper 'Computed Tomography Reconstruction using Deep Image Prior' the PSNR for the FBP reconstruction of test sample 0 is given as 27.3 (Fig. 8). And if I compute it in my code I get a PSNR of 14.6.

Why are these results so different?


the main difference is the hyper parameters:

  • in 'The LoDoPaB-CT Dataset': filter_type='Ram-Lak' and frequency_scaling=1.0, which would be the exact reconstruction formula from noise-free measurements, but is clearly sub-optimal for the low-dose data
  • in 'Computed Tomography Reconstruction using Deep Image Prior': filter_type='Hann' and frequency_scaling=0.641, which have been determined using some validation samples

I think you were looking to use the function get_reference_reconstructor, which invokes construct_reconstructor and afterwards loads the optimized parameters. Maybe i can improve the docs about these functions or make the latter private.

Finally for the difference of 14.6 vs 16.1, this could well stem just from a different backend implementation (or version of odl/astra), e.g. i get 14.6 with 'astra_cpu' and 15.9 with 'astra_cuda'.

Hope this clarifies a bit!

Thank you for the answer!

Okay with the get_reference_reconstructor I get a mean PSNR of 22.9 for the FBP astra_cpu implementation. Which is in the ballpark of the results reported in 'Computed Tomography Reconstruction using Deep Image Prior'. The remaining difference comes probably from the backend difference.

Hmm, 22.9 seems too little, i get 27.1 with 'astra_cpu'. Maybe the odl and astra versions are not compatible?

Oh, you are right! I compared the lodopab mean PSNR to the ellipses mean PSNR..

Hmmm.. how can I make sure that astra and odl are compatible?

I have these versions:

astra-toolbox             1.9.9.dev4               py37hb48bd9c_0    astra-toolbox/label/dev
libastra                      1.9.9.dev4               cuda_10.1_0           astra-toolbox/label/dev
odl                             1.0.0.dev0               pypi_0                     pypi

The versions look fine, the latest of both work for me. Only thing i could imagine is an outdated odl (it's 1.0.0.dev0 for some time), but i would not think so.

Indeed the 22.9 match the ellipses PSNR well, but i assume that is just coincidence?

No idea why it does not match then :(

Okay, I rerun everything again with cleared caches and now it looks perfectly fine:

Mean PSNR: 30.5
PSNR test sample 0: 27.1

Sorry about the confusion and thank you very much for your swift reply!