
Not learning from block; trace is missing

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a block log which should have a generate trace associated with it but I only see exec traces.

Block log

  "id": "01HZ3K97HMF590J823F10RJZ4T",
  "execTraceIds": [
  "executedBlock": {
    "kind": "CODE",
    "contents": "flux reconcile kustomization dev-cluster ----with-source "
  "exitCode": -2377

Here's the result of grepping the logs for that block

/Users/jlewi/.foyle/logs/raw/foyle.logs.2024-05-28T17:39:34.json:{"severity":"info","time":1717034065.4601119,"caller":"agent/agent.go:105","function":"github.com/jlewi/foyle/app/pkg/agent.(*Agent).Generate","message":"Agent.Generate returning blocks","traceId":"a0d115795efe207d614f4fb0aacf177d","evalMode":false,"blockIds":["01HZ3K97HMF590J823EY849AB2","01HZ3K97HMF590J823EYM78T13","01HZ3K97HMF590J823F06DQRRM","01HZ3K97HMF590J823F10RJZ4T","01HZ3K97HMF590J823F18XD0FD"]}

The timestamp of the log file seems off; why is it from 24 hours ago? I suspect maybe its because that's when I started foyle and had stopped it since then.

When I ran it under a debugger it got the trace and updated the block.

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  1123  100  1123    0     0  75663      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  109k
  "id": "01HZ3K97HMF590J823F10RJZ4T",
  "genTraceId": "a0d115795efe207d614f4fb0aacf177d",
  "execTraceIds": [
  "doc": {
    "blocks": [
        "kind": "MARKUP",
        "language": "markdown",
        "contents": "Use gitops to aply the latest manifests to the dev cluster"
  "generatedBlock": {
    "kind": "CODE",
    "language": "bash",
    "contents": "# Step 1: Commit your latest changes to the Git repository holding the dev cluster manifests\ncd /path/to/dev-cluster-manifests\ngit add .\ngit commit -m \"Update manifests for dev cluster\"\ngit push origin main\n\n# Step 2: Trigger a synchronization in your GitOps tool to apply the changes to the dev cluster\n# Replace 'gitops-tool' with the actual tool you are using for GitOps\ngitops-tool sync dev-cluster",
    "id": "01HZ3K97HMF590J823F10RJZ4T"
  "executedBlock": {
    "kind": "CODE",
    "contents": "flux reconcile kustomization dev-cluster ----with-source "
  "exitCode": -2377

Is it possible I need to rebuild my binary?