
Charge a card token w/o a customer

Closed this issue · 8 comments

There does not seem to be any way to charge a card token that does not have a customer.

Before creating a PR I wanted to find out if you were open to having this in your lib.

To which Stripe API endpoint are you referring? I'm not seeing an endpoint which allows cards or tokens to be updated without providing the associated customer id. Tokens can be created without providing a customer id, and cards can be updated, but the correct customer id must be provided.

You can create a charge w/o a customer w/ the Charges API, but I don't see a way to do that w/ your library..

Creating a charge without an associated customer can be accomplished like so:

$stripe = new Stripe('api_key');
$request = $stripe->charges->createChargeRequest(350, "usd");
$request->setCard(new CreateCardRequest(4242424242424242, 1, 2020));

@jlinn Is it possible to create a charge w/o an associated customer when you get the card token from the front-end via Stripe.js?

Ah, I see. Good call. Charges can now be created using tokens like so:

$stripe = new Stripe('api_key');
$request = $stripe->charges->createChargeRequest(350, "usd");

👍 Thanks

is it possible to create a charge request with just a card id?

jlinn commented

It doesn't look like it. The Stripe docs indicate that a customer ID, card token, or full set of card data is required.