
Allow -t flag to include config.ru and Gemfile

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I’ve been using serve to prototype everything lately, so I created a prototype boilerplate of sorts which uses Slim by default, tells Tilt to use Maruku for markdown, includes Breakpoint and might eventually include other tools I tend to use a lot. However, when I use serve create new-project -t my-own-boilerplate to create a new project based off of my boilerplate, the config.ru and Gemfile documents from the boilerplate are ignored.

Perhaps other documents are also ignored, but those two are the ones I’ve messed with and find myself having to edit each time I create a new project this way.

Is there any way to tell serve to use all the documents of a project as a template, and not just the views, stylesheets, images, etc.?


Not at the moment. Templates weren't really designed to include those files, but I can see why you might want that.

Of course you could just...

cp -R my-own-boilerplate new-project

Of course. But that would also bring in my .git directory, right? Which I could just rm -r .git, but I’m trying to do things with one command. I’ll just copy the project with cp as you suggested and remove the repository manually.

I appreciate the prompt response!