Some ideas
kristianmandrup opened this issue · 2 comments
kristianmandrup commented
Many of the features are implemented in the LiveScript compiler already. You can type livescript syntax directly in and see what it compiles to.
(a, b, ...c) ->
log a
Compiles to
// Generated by LiveScript 1.3.1
var slice$ = [].slice;
(function(a, b){
var c;
c = slice$.call(arguments, 2);
return log(a);
Would love to help in developing more es6 features! I agree, way better to enable ES5 extras via macros than via separate compilers such as traceur.
vendethiel commented
Uhm, this is just a plain ES6 feature, not related to LS.
kristianmandrup commented
The above example simply tells us that to get function rest arguments, we simply have to use [].slice on the last arguments with the number of arguments before the rest one. How would we do this with macros? a case
macro which examines arguments.length of the function or???