
firestore-export no json file created

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I ty to make a backup of my Firestore db (free plan). I did

$ yarn global add  node-firestore-import-export

then I generated and dloaded a new private key from my Firebase admin SDK

I chdir to the directory containing the newly generated private key and the ./backups directory and issued the firestore-export command from the windows terminal:

$ firestore-export --accountCredentials "./ifactuur-v2-firebase-admins 
dk-c7cfj-4066d9df36.json" --backupFile "./backups/ifactuur-v2.json" -- 

I get this in the terminal

Retrieving documents from bills
Retrieving documents from companies
Retrieving documents from invoices
Retrieving documents from registrations
Retrieving documents from status
Retrieving documents from users
Retrieving documents from vatrates
MINGW64:/e/www/firestore-import-export[24924]: c:\ws\src\node_http2.cc:893: Assertion `(flags_ & SESSION_STATE_READING_STOPPED) != (0)' failed.
 1: 00007FF648FDDD8A v8::internal::GCIdleTimeHandler::GCIdleTimeHandler+4506
 2: 00007FF648FB8886 node::MakeCallback+4534
 3: 00007FF648FB893F node::MakeCallback+4719
 4: 00007FF648F5CA35 EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_cipher_data+114517
 5: 00007FF648F60BD1 EVP_CIPHER_CTX_get_cipher_data+131313
 6: 00007FF648EA6D76 DH_get0_q+14022
 7: 00007FF648EA4AD8 DH_get0_q+5160
 8: 00007FF648EA7D61 DH_get0_q+18097
 9: 00007FF648F010B1 RSA_meth_get_flags+753
10: 00007FF64900E203 uv_tcp_getpeername+1315
11: 00007FF649021457 uv_dlerror+2007
12: 00007FF6490223E8 uv_run+232
13: 00007FF648FBFE7E node::NewContext+1390
14: 00007FF648FC048B node::NewIsolate+603
15: 00007FF648FC08E7 node::Start+823
16: 00007FF648E6F3CC node::MultiIsolatePlatform::MultiIsolatePlatform+604
17: 00007FF649AB863C v8::internal::compiler::OperationTyper::ToBoolean+129516
18: 00007FFC33CE7BD4 BaseThreadInitThunk+20
19: 00007FFC3564CED1 RtlUserThreadStart+33

The first few lines are correct - these are the collections I want to backup but no backup file 'ifactuur-v2.json' is created anywhere...
I'm on a W10 environment...

Am I missing something?


I get the same issue. Any way to fix? It's been over a month since this was posted...

Upgrading my Node version to 10.17.0 (from 10.16.3) solved this issue for me ;-)