
Git-it "Pull Never Out Of Date" Unable to read Repository

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I'm having an issue where I am doing this activity involving the fetching of an edited repository called "Patchfork" from Jflord. I had already push my changes to my repository and shared my repository with RepoRobot to complete the previous activity "It's a Small World". There were no changes made to the repository made after the activity for "Pull Never Out Of Date", but Git-It was not able to read that because it couldn't do the fetch --dry-run command through that exact repository. I had done the command myself and it works. Can someone look into this issue? Thanks!

I have an update on the issue that I've been having for a while now. I've discovered that "add-eboone.txt" is in Patchwork/Contributors folder under my branch "add-ebooneW00", but it never made it into the "gh-pages" branch. What should I do? Please let me know!