A PHP package to access the Pushy API by a comprehensive way.
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
With Composer installed, you can then install the extension using the following commands:
$ php composer.phar require jlorente/pushy-php-sdk
or add
"require": {
"jlorente/pushy-php-sdk": "*"
to the require
section of your composer.json
You can set the PUSHY_API_KEY as environment variables or add them later on Pushy class instantiation.
The name of the environment var is PUSHY_API_KEY.
Endpoints calls must done through the Pushy class.
If you haven't set the environment variable previously, remember to provide the key on instantiation.
$pushy = new \Jlorente\Pushy\Pushy($secretApiKey);
Copyright © 2019 José Lorente Martín jose.lorente.martin@gmail.com.
Licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE.txt for details.