
Intellisense not working in existing modules in Visual Studio 2015

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I have everything well configured with the _references.js file, and I get intellisense for other libraries, like jQUERY, but I can't get it to work properly for AngularJS.

For example. in the bellow picture I'm creating a new module and adding a directive and I get intellisense for the $http angular object, which is fine.


But in the bellow picture the module is already created and so I don't put the empty array in the module declaration. If I did, it would overwrite any previous declared module, rendering my app useless. Even though everything works fine with the code, intellisense is gone:

I've been searching for more than a month. Any ideas?

This has to be a _references.js issue. If the Intellisense engine can't find the module declaration in a file referenced there then it won't be able to spin up AngularjS.

If you post a sample project that demonstrates the issue I will take a look.

@jmbledsoe, thank you!
I ziped everything but the packages and .vs folder. Hope it's enough.

Move angular.js and angular-mocks.js ahead of your application files in _references.js. Files in _references.js need to be in the same order as they are in your index.html for Intellisense to know what to do with them.

Again, thank you very much. This fixed it.

I didn't find this information anywhere. I imagine this happens to 99% of users, because the "update javascript references" command that auto add every JS file in the _references.js doesn't care about the order, nor does it gives any warning nor any of the documentation do. not that I could find.

Yeah the docs need updated. Feel free to create a PR!

I want to give back to the community. I'm planning to do a complete guide about VS Intellisense, including AngularJS. I never did a pull request. It's gonna be my pleasure doing it for the first time. 😄

Awesome! Thanks!