
Syntax Highlighting for R Code Blocks in qmd-Files Breaks After Changing Color Scheme with Telescope

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I believe I might have found a bug that is not related to my configuration. It occurs even when I clone the bare repository on both the main and dev branches.

When I open a Quarto file with Vim, the syntax highlighting in the R code block works as expected. However, when I want to change the color scheme with Telescope, the code block is no longer highlighted correctly.

Can anyone confirm this?

I added autocommands to reset the filetype, and now syntax highlighting in Quarto code blocks works as expected.

      vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("OptionSet", {
        pattern = "background",
        callback = function()
          local ft =
          vim.cmd("set filetype=" .. ft)

      vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("ColorScheme", {
        callback = function()
          local ft =
          vim.cmd("set filetype=" .. ft)