
Return standardized error messages

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Error messages should be consistent and structured.

  • As a client of the API, I want messages that clearly communicate what went wrong so that I can distinguish between different errors and potentially communicate relevant details back to the user.
  • As a developer of the API, when somebody sends me an error message I want there to be enough information that I can
    • see what request they actually made
    • find the path of the request in the logs


  • Error messages should be returned as JSON.
  • Messages should include the following fields at a minimum
    • request method
    • request path
    • request id (users do not often include the headers in bug reports)
    • response status code
    • timestamp of the request

Not included for now:

  • Request headers, query parameters, request body: Potentially too much information, including sensitive information

Future Work

  • Once we have authentication/authroization, the scopes and user id the request was made with should be included to help with debugging auth-related errors.