
local-site modules added to CPAN

Primary LanguagePerl


Read the manual of the cpansite script, which is part of this distribution, and automatically installed.


On github, you can find the processed version for each release. But the better source is CPAN; to get it installed simply run:

   cpan -i CPAN::Site


When you want to contribute to this module, you do not need to provide a perfect patch... actually: it is nearly impossible to create a patch which I will merge without modification. Usually, I need to adapt the style of code and documentation to my own strict rules.

When you submit an extension, please contribute a set with

  1. code

  2. code documentation

  3. regression tests in t/

Please note: When you contribute in any way, you agree to transfer the copyrights to Mark Overmeer (you will get the honors in the code and/or ChangeLog). You also automatically agree that your contribution is released under the same license as this project: licensed as perl itself.

Copyright and License

This project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See http://dev.perl.org/licenses/