
Proceedings entry does not include title

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MLA specifies that conference proceedings should be structured as follows:

LastName, FirstName. “Conference Paper Title.” Conference Title that Includes Conference Date and Location. Ed. Conference Editor(s). City of Publication: Publisher, Date of Publication. Print.

However, mla-biblatex does not follow these specifications.

For example the following entry:

  author = {Mister Bean},
  title = {Very Interesting Conference},
  date = {2008},
  subtitle = {Interesting Subtitle},
  editor = {Mister Bean},
  editortype = {editor},
  eventtitle = {A Cleverly Named Conference},
  location = {University for Intelligent People, Antarctica}

Results in:

Bean, Mister. Proc. of A Cleverly Named Conference, ed. Mister Bean. University
for Intelligent People, Antarctica, 2008. Print.

Notice the title is missing and there is no italicisation. I am for now using the entry type "book" to work it around.

I'm away from my installation right now, but it looks like your output is
that of a proceedings, while your input looks like it thinks it's a single
essay inside a proceedings. Have you tried the @INPROCEEDINGS entrytype?

(Also, are you missing your page numbers?)

Thanks, I did not know the two were different.