
angular-cache - How to set new data in same key with different maxAge?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I want to create default cache with maxAge of 2s for all AJAX calls, and I want to override specific key with different maxAge for example 30s. ($http, DSCacheFactory) {
    DSCacheFactory('defaultCache', {
        maxAge: 1000 * 2,
        cacheFlushInterval: 6000000,
        deleteOnExpire: 'aggressive'right when they expire.

    $http.defaults.cache = DSCacheFactory.get('defaultCache');

I tried to do something like this:

var defaultCache = DSCacheFactory.get('defaultCache');
defaultCache.put('resource/id', {fullName : 'Ronen Cohen'}, {maxAge : 1000 * 30});

You can do so with angular-cache 2.x. someCache.put('things', { stuff: 'lots of stuff' }, { maxAge: 15000 });

Closing because I’m not sure this is an issue, if you are convinced that this is really a bug, please feel free to re-open the issue and add more information:

  • good - Your versions of Angular, Angular-cache, etc, relevant console logs/error, code examples that revealed the issue
  • better - A plnkr, fiddle, or bin that demonstrates the issue
  • best - A Pull Request that fixes the issue, including test coverage for the issue and the fix

Otherwise support is done via the mailing list.