webpack issues
david-hollifield opened this issue · 1 comments
david-hollifield commented
I'm trying to import "angular-cache"
into a typescript file and I'm getting this when trying to build:
Any ideas what could be causing this? I have a ton of other imports and they all seem to work OK.
import "angular";
import "angular-animate";
import "angular-bootstrap-slider";
import "angular-cache";
import "angular-cookies";
import "angular-credit-cards";
import "angular-gestures/dist/gestures.js";
import "angular-google-maps";
import "angular-logger";
import "angular-loading-bar";
import "angular-momentjs/angular-momentjs.js";
import "angular-route";
import "angular-promise-cache";
import "angular-sanitize";
import "angular-spectrum-colorpicker";
import "angular-touch";
import "angular-translate";
import "angular-translate-loader-url";
import "angular-ui-bootstrap";
import "angular-ui-router";
david-hollifield commented
It looks like these errors are happening when trying to create a source map with devtool: "source-map"
. Not sure why, but leaving it here in case anyone else runs across this issue.