Modify a metaheuristic
jmejia8 opened this issue · 2 comments
A modified metaheuristic can extend the capability of an implemented algorithm.
The idea is to define custom components (initialization, termination criterion, etc) without overwriting default methods.
For instance:
eca = ECA(N = 100)
eca_modified = modify(eca, termination = RelativeTolerance())
optimize(f, bounds, eca_modified)
May I suggest ConstructionBase
as the interface? So that
using ConstructionBase
eca_modified = setproperties(eca, termination = RelativeTolerance())
using Accessors
eca_modified = @set eca.termination = RelativeTolerance()
I think both already work, aside from RelativeTolerance()
not existing :)
Thank you for the suggestion. The idea is to modify a Julia method for a specific metaheuristic without overwriting the implemented methods (avoid type piracy). For example, I wanted to modify ECA in order to implement o re-use some termination criteria, but the following is a problem.
julia> algo = ECA()
julia> Metaheuristics.stop_criteria!(st, params::ECA, info, opt, args...; kargs...) = error("I modified all ECA instances")
julia> optimize(sum, [-5; 5;;], algo)
ERROR: I modified all ECA instances
julia> optimize(sum, [-5; 5;;], ECA)
ERROR: I modified all ECA instances
Therefore, we must find a way (simple to use for the user) to modify only one instance of the algorithm.
However, I can't figure out how to do it. The following is a utopian implementation:
eca_modified = modify(ECA(), some_method = SomeParams())
Metaheuristics.some_method(params::SomeParams) = println("I'm not ECA")
# original implementation
# Metaheuristics.some_method(params::ECA) = println("I'm ECA")
optimize(sum, [5;5;;], eca_modified)
# I'm not ECA
optimize(sum, [5;5;;], ECA)
# I'm ECA