
Update development dependancies...

jmervine opened this issue · 4 comments

Most development dep gems are way out of date. They work thanks to the Gemfile.lock, but if you run 'bundle update' everything most tests fail. Time to revisit when I have a little time.

Hey @jmervine, thoughts on this issue? Currently looking at using your gem (seems to be the slam dunk of simple disk based caching gems). Let me know if you need a hand.

A hand would be welcomed. My wife is in early labor and I'm going to be stepping away for at least a few days though, so might not be a quick turnaround. =P

Congrats @jmervine! No worries, I'll go a round with it. And I'm sure you'll find lots of time as part of working the 3am night shift ... :|

Haha that's entirely possible... Probable in fact.