
It doesn't look like jmespath can provide context for a query result

kintarowins opened this issue · 3 comments

for example I would like to query people[?first=='James'].last with this json

  "people": [
    {"first": "James", "last": "d"},
    {"first": "Jacob", "last": "e"},
    {"first": "Jayden", "last": "f"},
    {"missing": "different"}

and instead of just getting the result d, I'd like to also get the full path to it .e.g people[0].last

The upcoming let() function in JMESPath Community is specifically designed to achieve this scenario.

Thanks @springcomp. That's cool although I still can't grasp the example given in the preview documentation. My use-case is straight-forward, given a search expression, return the full path to the result.

Oh maybe I misconstrued your example.
Unfortunately no, that's not something that would be easily done in the general case I'm afraid. Seems similar to this request if I'm not mistaken?