
Suggestion: drop support for Python 3.3

simonw opened this issue · 2 comments

The tests failed on Python 3.3 for #217 with this error:

ERROR: You need Python 2.7 or 3.4+ to install the typing package.

I'm not sure what depends on typing but since Python 3.3 reached end-of-life on 2017-09-29 (according to I think it's safe to drop support entirely.

You could even drop support for python<=3.5 as those are also EOL.
New users/developers should have current python versions installed (or should be encouraged to do so, e. g. even with MiniConda as a last resort), so only supporting python>=3.6 might be better and allows for newer features to be used and included.
And those that absolutely require old (unsupported) python versions can use existing/old versions of the library. The risk of security vulnarabilities because of this library are likely smaller than using an ancient python version. Probably.

Consolidating python version deprecations to tracking issue #268