
Run job every given time but with delay time using every

mdesantis opened this issue · 5 comments


I have a job which should run every 4 hours at minute 30. The cron syntax '30 */4 * * *' can be used in order to achieve that. But I'm wondering if there is some way to use the every syntax? Maybe an at argument could be added to every, so we could do something like:

scheduler.every '4h', at: '30m' do
  # do something every 4 hours at minute 30



you could write

scheduler.every '4h30m' do
  # do something every 4 hours and 30 minutes

but that's not what you requesting.

You could do

m30 =
m30 -= m30.sec
while m30.min != 30; m30 += 60; end

scheduler.every '4h', first_at: m30 do
  # do something every 4 hours at minute 30

Still doesn't beat the conciseness of #cron.

Does that help?

Side information: fugit behind rufus-scheduler has a "natural" module which will get used in rufus-scheduler soon:

I can imagine something like:

scheduler.schedule('every 4 hours at minute 30') do
  # ...

that would be equivalent to:

scheduler.cron('30 */4 * * *') do
  # ...

Hi @jmettraux, thanks for suggestions! I also think that cron syntax is better than that dynamic calculation (cron syntax isn't even bad to me), anyway I think that

scheduler.schedule('every 4 hours at minute 30') do
  # ...

will be a great addition. But I must say that I'd still prefer something like scheduler.every '4h', at: '30m', IMHO it doesn't have neither the obfuscated syntax of cron or the too conversational syntax of 'every 4 hours at minute 30'


I think that scheduler.every '4h', at: '30m' is nice, but what's the pattern? What's the bigger picture? scheduler.every '4M', at: 'first monday 17h30m', how can it be generalized? There seems to be a big space behind that door.

Closing the issue but not the conversation.