
rufus-scheduler causing Puma to stall on start

codyrickmanvessel opened this issue · 8 comments

I am having an issue that seems to have come up in previous releases. On my Dev machine I am testing using rails server -b If I comment out the rufus-scheduler initialization it starts up fine. If I dont, the rufus tasks run fine, but puma stays in a stalled state and the rest of my application does not respond to requests.

scheduler.rb is in config/initializers

My Gem File

Puma Config

Scheduler File


could you please package a minimal project similar to your setup (preferably as a github repository) that reproduces the problem so that I can clone it, confirm the problem, and help you solve the issue?

Thanks in advance.


what do you mean by

I am having an issue that seems to have come up in previous releases


Did it work with older releases of rufus-scheduler?

Thanks in advance.

Hey @jmettraux This is my first time using it. While researching the issue I have seen an issue similar to the one I am having pop up in previous versions (3.0.3 and puma 2.9.2 for example). It seems updating Puma to a new version fixed the issue in one of those instances. However, I believe I have the most recent gems for both installed and I am still having the issue.

I have seen an issue similar to the one I am having

If you have a link to that, that could help.

Waiting for your minimal project.

@jmettraux here is one of the old topics I discovered: puma/puma#607

I am not sure when I will have time to package a test project, but as soon as I too I will let you know!

Thank You!

@codyrickmanvessel wait, you should remove scheduler.join from your "Scheduler file". It tells the main thread to join the scheduler thread. I think that that is the thing stalling your Puma. Please have a try.

This scheduler.join is for standalone example. I will ensure the documentation is clearer on that.

@jmettraux Wow, sorry about that! I thought it was part of the standard initialization. Thank you!

Its working now!

No worries! Glad it works! Have a great day!