

Install the demo-server and demo-client:

go install
go install

In one terminal, run the server:


In another terminal, use the client:

demo-client --help


The structure follows those recommendations:

  • api/protos contains the .protos (Protobuf definitions) files used to generate the Grpc clients and server stubs.

  • cmd contains the code for the executables.

  • internal contains code only accessible from within this project. Structured in logical 4 parts:

    • Domain (domain package): implements the business logic,
    • Repository (repository.go): persists and retrieves domain entities,
    • Service (service.go):
      • Uses the repository to fetch the required entities,
      • Uses the domain to manipulate those entities,
      • Persists the updated entities when done.
    • API:
      • Converts the requests/responses from the client from/to valid domain objects,
      • Use the service with those domain objects.
  • pkg contains code that can be imported from outside this project (at the moment, only the generated protobuf and grpc code)