
Update composer.json

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Latest versions are dev-master now.

Is this a problem for my dependence on "symfony/event-dispatcher": ">=2.0-dev,<2.2-dev"? According to the this post:

If your package depended on a master-dev version, you should now depend on dev-master. If your package depended on something like the Symfony2 2.1.0-dev version, this one also is now dev-master since it is in the master branch. Older feature branches like 2.0-dev which is the 2.0 branch and not master are unaffected by this change.

I'd think the dev suffix should still work there.

You may be right. After adding WildcardEventDispatcher I tried an update, but it fails anyways, with or without it. Seems to be another issue, sorry for that! :)