
Odd and unwanted shaping?

oldaccountdeadname opened this issue · 2 comments

M-x fira-code-mode<RET> turns some colons (:) into odd characters - I'm not quite sure how to describe them except as flying garbage cans:


I'm also not entirely sure how to reproduce this/when it occurs, but I do know that it occurs when a colon is preceded by white space and sometimes when followed by whitespace (notably in org-mode, for instance #+TITLE:). I'd be happy to provide any additional information required for debugging. Thanks!

Hi there - you wouldn't happen to be on Linux, would you? I've noticed this occurring more often on some distros which include an icon font that happens to use the same Unicode user area as Fira Code Symbol.

Try putting (fira-code-mode-set-font) into your config and seeing if that helps! If it doesn't I can help look into it some more.

Looks like that solves it, thanks!