
Place images after description

funxies opened this issue · 0 comments

Currently, images in documentation regularly are followed by the description of what is shown on the image. For example, new attribute dialog on the page We have an image and after that the description of all the fields on it:

We figured out on UX tests that it could be confusing. Instead of reading the next abstract after the image, they make their own conclusions, which sometimes are false. Afterward, they read further and figure out the correct information, but still they were confused for some time.

For example, we saw that a few people set project prefix on the project wizard, but later found out that it is not required. That's because that information is after the screenshot

Maybe a better idea would be to mention in brackets that there is an image below, place all the info before the screenshot and add caption to the screenshot:
Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 15 09 13