
Cover Table in sampler project by autotests

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1.Simple table
-check 'multiselect' option
-check 'sortable' option
-check 'columnControlVisible' option
-check 'reorderingAllowed' option
-check 'showSelection' option
2.Table with max text lenght
-check field with value <= maxTextLength+10
-check field with value > maxTextLength+10
3.Table actions
-check availability of buttons with actions in button panel
-check availability of buttons with actions in context menu
-check availability of buttons with actions using shortcuts
4.Editable table
-check ability to edit value of textField, checkbox, dropdown list
5.Table with formatter
-check formatting of column toUpperCase()
-check formatting of column toLowerCase()
6.Table with icon provider
-check icon depending on entity status value
7.Table with style provier
-check field coloring depending on value
8.ItemClick and EnterPress action
-check setItemClickAction (double click on entity)
-check setEnterPressAction (Enter click on selected entity)
9.Table with generated columns
-check addGeneratedColumn with lookupField
10.Table with aggregation
-check aggregation with type = 'sum'
-check custom AggregationStrategy (most frequet grade)
11.Table without header
-check absence of header i table with columnHeaderVisible="false"
12.Table with key-value container
-check grouping by default column
-check grouping by several columns
14.GroupTable with style provider
-check coloring of row depemding of field value
15.GroupTable with AggregationDistributionProvider
-check AggregationDistributionProvider(change aggregated recalculates rows value)