
Elixir API wrapper for the Kafka Connect API

Primary LanguageElixir


Elixir API wrapper for the Kafka Connect API

Currently under development.

How To Use

Use as an Elixir library

client = Kconnectex.client "https://domain-and-port-to-kafka-connect-cluster"

{:ok, connectors} = Kconnectex.Connectors.list(client)

As a CLI

This app includes escript configuration. The CLI is inspired by kaf for Kafka.

Build it and display the help:

$ mix escript.build
$ ./kconnectex --help

Run CLI via Docker

If you don't have Elixir on your system, you can run the CLI via Docker.

A docker image is provided and is hosted at quay. A wrapper is also provided (kconnectex_docker_wrapper) to execute it in Docker.

$ cp ~/path/to/repo/kconnectex_docker_wrapper /somewhere/on/system/PATH/kconnectex
$ kconnectex cluster
  "commit": "6b2021cd52659cef",
  "kafka_cluster_id": "dK2QBCSU",
  "version": "2.6.1"



  • Having a "client" and "request" seems redundant?
  • Add more integration tests (with FileStreamSource)
  • Validating a config where the connector name does not match config => 500 from Connect (bug?)
  • docs for Connectors
  • specs


  • Support "expand" queries
    • Where are docs on these?


  • get
  • reset


  • restore iex -S mix functionality
  • fix exit statuses
  • Make errors uniform - error type?
  • completion command to generate script for bash, zsh
  • strictly output JSON (possible?)


To run the unit tests:

$ mix test

To run the integration tests:

$ docker-compose up
$ mix test --include integration


You permission to push to the Docker repository (currently, just the author).

A script will release the CLI with a tag of the current version: ./release


It's not in hex yet, but the adventurous can grab it from Github:

def deps do
    {:kconnectex, git: "https://github.com/jmks/kconnectex.git"}

If available in Hex, the package can be installed by adding kconnectex to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:kconnectex, "~> 0.2.0"}

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/kconnectex.