
Customized gem release rake task set

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Customized fork for bundlers gem task helpers.

Automatically detects multiple gemspecs and protect from releasing code not matching git version tag.


Add this line to your Gemfile:

gem 'rake-release'


Simply require in Rakefile:

require 'rake/release'

Check with rake -D:

rake build
    Build rake-release-0.2.1.gem.gem into the pkg directory.

rake install
    Build and install rake-release-0.2.1.gem into system gems.

rake install:local
    Build and install rake-release-0.2.1.gem into system gems without network access.

rake release[remote]
    Create and push tag v0.2.1, build gem and publish to rubygems.org.

With multiple gemspecs

> rake -T
rake lib-alpha:build            # Build lib-alpha-0.6.0.gem.gem into the pkg directory
rake lib-alpha:install          # Build and install lib-alpha-0.6.0.gem into system gems
rake lib-alpha:install:local    # Build and install lib-alpha-0.6.0.gem into system gems without network access
rake lib-alpha:release[remote]  # Create and push tag v0.6.0, build gem and publish to rubygems.org
rake lib-beta:build             # Build lib-beta-0.8.0.gem.gem into the pkg directory
rake lib-beta:install           # Build and install lib-beta-0.8.0.gem into system gems
rake lib-beta:install:local     # Build and install lib-beta-0.8.0.gem into system gems without network access
rake lib-beta:release[remote]   # Create and push tag v0.6.0, build gem and publish to rubygems.org

With tag signing

Enable tag signing by manually loading the task:

require 'rake/release/task'

Rake::Release::Task.new do |spec|
  spec.sign_tag = true

Or with multiple gems:

require 'rake/release/task'

Rake::Release::Task.load_all do |spec|
  spec.sign_tag = true

Manually set namespace

require 'rake/release/task'

Rake::Release::Task.new do |spec|
  spec.namespace = 'client'
> rake -T
rake client:build            # Build rake-release-0.6.0.gem.gem into the pkg directory
rake client:install          # Build and install rake-release-0.6.0.gem into system gems
rake client:install:local    # Build and install rake-release-0.6.0.gem into system gems without network access
rake client:release[remote]  # Create and push tag v0.6.0, build gem and publish to rubygems.org

Set gem host and version tag

You can customize the task e.g. with a custom git tag or gem push host:

Rake::Release::Task.load_all do |spec|
  spec.version_tag = "gem-v#{spec.version}"
  spec.host = 'https://user:pass@gemhost/'
