
Set default path for Costumes library?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi all! We found that when the students start developing their project, it gets to big for our school computers to handle (RAM runs out and the window keeps spinning), so at some point we decided to use offline/local version (v. 8.2.3).

However, while the online version that runs via the browser would open Costumes in a pop-up window where the students can view the costumes, the offline/local version opens the file explorer (default Desktop), and it requires grade 9 students to click thru quite a few steps to get the costumes folder, and when they get there, they can’t preview what the costumes look like.

My two questions are:

  1. Is it possible for the Costumes option behaves the same online and offline (so students and preview the costumes)?
  2. If question 1’s answer is no, is there a way to set the default path when clicking Costumes (so at least the students don’t have to click thru many folders to get there)?

Thank you in advance for sharing! It’s much appreciated!!!

It'll work if you run it in a localhost webserver. You might be able to write a script, like a batch file, which when ran, opens the folder in a webserver (localhost) and opens it in the web browser.

Unfortunately, I think the answer to both questions is no - at least not in the short term.

We would need to build an offline version which has a local web server, or uses an application wrapper.

As far as a previews, I would look at adjusting the folder settings. On both macOS and windows, the column and icon views should have a setting to preview a file before importing. (macOS, the column view defaults to showing a preview, and hitting space will popup a much larger view.)

However, the easier option might be to put a short to the Costumes folder on the desktop and encourage folks to drag and drop costumes into Snap!.