
Result pic misbehavior

Opened this issue · 2 comments

When I do a script pic, I get this
Untitled script pic (17)
but when I do a result pic (clicking the operator), I get this
Untitled script pic (18)
Visible stepping is not on.
I want a result pic for the whole expression (don't mind the error; I was trying to make an error pic).
Interestingly, it works as expected for other error types:
Untitled script pic (19)

FWIW, pets was not defined.

I agree with you wanting a picture of the entire expression you clicked on. But the "interestingly" part at the bottom isn't surprising, for two reasons: (1) "NaN" isn't an error; it doesn't have that "Hmm..." in front of it. It's considered a perfectly good numeric-type value. So the two cases aren't comparable. (2) In any case, the ITEM part of that expression worked fine, and gave "apple" as its result; it's the + that generated the error, in response to 3+apple.

About your second message, Snap! variables are initialized to zero.