
Video breaks if you resize the stage after clicking the video reporter block.

Closed this issue · 1 comments

If you click on the video block, video begins to show behind the stage. Then, if you resize the stage, the video breaks and the get motion from _________ returns an error. It is fixed if you use the stop all block and reinitialize the video by clicking the video reporter block. I included screenshots for reference and recreation.

Screenshot from 2024-01-16 14-34-37
Screenshot from 2024-01-16 14-35-06
Screenshot from 2024-01-16 14-35-24
Screenshot from 2024-01-16 14-35-35
Screenshot from 2024-01-16 14-35-44
Screenshot from 2024-01-16 14-35-55
Screenshot from 2024-01-16 14-36-01
Screenshot from 2024-01-16 14-36-17
Screenshot from 2024-01-16 14-36-24

Thanks! Huh, things I never thought of trying 😁 .
Probably we should stop the video before applying different stage dimensions, what do you think?