Saving workspace with empty group (no views) causes crash
jmooney opened this issue · 1 comments
jmooney commented
If a user saves an easy workspace while one of the sublime groups has no views, EasyWorkspace crashes with an index error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/sublime_text/", line 795, in run_
File "/home/jmooney2/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/EasyWorkspace/", line 313, in run
File "/home/jmooney2/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/EasyWorkspace/", line 250, in buildFromWindow
group['active'] = sViews.index(activeSView)
ValueError: <sublime.View object at 0x7f935de2a950> is not in list
jmooney commented
Resolved on private branch. To be included in release.