
Node.js based backend for ODK Central

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

ODK Central Backend

Platform License Build status

ODK Central Backend is a minimal Open Data Kit server based on Node.js and Postgres. It is currently under development.

This repository contains only the code for the backend API server: Central Frontend holds frontend code, and Central contains both the Docker-based production deployment infrastructure for the combined frontend/backend, as well as project management and issue tickets.


We need your help to make this project as useful as possible! Please see the Contribution Guide for detailed information on discussion forums, project policies, code guidelines, and an overview of the software architecture.

Using ODK Central Backend

For information on how to install and deploy ODK Central Backend for use as an ODK server, please see these instructions on the ODK Central repository. For information on how to set up a development environment for this server to help contribute to it, please skip to the next section.

Command line scripts

A number of operational tasks (creating accounts, setting passwords, etc) may be accomplished directly via local command line. These may be accessed by running node lib/bin/cli.js from the project root. If you run that script without arguments, it will provide the full list of available commands. For an overview of using Central command line tools in a production environment, see the Central docs.

Accessing the API

ODK Central Backend is, first and foremost, a RESTful HTTP API server that manages Users, Forms, Submissions, and other objects necessary to run an ODK data collection campaign. This API is used by the bundled frontend web interface to form a complete user-installable server solution, but that API can also be used on its own with or without the frontend to programmatically manage a data collection project. We provide a full documentation of the API in the standard API Blueprint format: you can find a plain version of that documentation here in the repository, or you can access the Apiary version for a friendlier version of the same material with neat features like an interactive query tool.

Setting up a development environment

First, install Node.js 12+.

Next, create a database and user in Postgres. Either use the same settings as the default configuration file, or update your local configuration file to match the settings you choose. For example:

CREATE USER jubilant WITH PASSWORD 'jubilant';
CREATE DATABASE jubilant with owner=jubilant encoding=UTF8;
\c jubilant;

Then, go to the repository root in a command line (where this README is) and run make with no arguments. This will install all npm dependencies and run all necessary migrations on the database; see the makefile for details.

To run the server, run make run from the repository root. Once started, the server will be available on port 8383. If you run into trouble with this step, the typical solution is to run npm install manually.

You can also run make debug to run the server with a standard node inspector port running (use your favorite tool, or visit about:inspect in Chrome to attach breakpoints and step through statements).

Sending email

It isn't necessary to actually send email when working on this code. The default email configuration (see config/default.json) uses the json transport (as does the test configuration), in which case emails are printed to the local server log and delivery is not attempted.

If one wishes to send mail, the sendmail transport is relatively foolproof so long as sendmail is available locally. Postfix is the easiest way to ensure this. It may be necessary to configure Postfix to negotiate TLS with servers it connects to. If so, these commands ought to suffice:

sudo postfix tls enable-client
sudo postfix start

Even so, often mail messages will go at first to spam, so be sure to check that.


Please see the Contribution Guide for complete information and guidelines on our tests.

This project is tested with both unit and integration tests. The unit tests (/test/unit) check, in isolation, the complicated parts of the core framework code. The integration tests (/test/integration) focus on verifying the correct behaviour of the API itself and the business logic that relies on the core framework code.

To run all tests (both unit and integration), run make test in the project root. CircleCI is configured to run all tests for verification.

Various other commands are available:

  • To run only unit tests (which are much speedier than integration tests), run make test-unit in the project root.
  • To run only API integration tests, run make test-integration instead.
  • As provided by default by our testing framework Mocha, add .only after any describe or it call in the tests to run only the marked tests (eg: it.only('should do something,…`).
  • To examine test coverage (runs both test suites), type make test-coverage.

Style Guidelines

Please see the Contribution Guide for complete information on our coding style.

In general, follow the existing conventions in the project. We use linting as a part of coding style verification. To run the linter, run make lint from the repository root. We use rules based on the Airbnb JavaScript style guide. The linter is not perfect; we will make exceptions when we have a consensus to do so.