
v1.1.0 seems to be trying to use incorrect static files

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  • django-json-widget version: v1.1.0
  • Django version: 3.1
  • Python version: 3.7
  • Operating System: Linux


Just upgrade to Django v3.1 and with it, to django-json-version 1.1.0. After I run collectstatic, I get the following two files under my statics directory

  • dist/jsoneditor.min.css
  • dist/jsoneditor.min.js

which seems to be the same as version v1.0.1.

The problem is that when running the server, the page fails to load. Looking at the browser console, I can see it is erroring out trying to find dist/jsoneditor.css and dist/jsoneditor.js (see how it is not the .min. version)


What I Did

I didn't do anything different, so unless something changed in the way Django 3.1 works, this may be a problem with the new v1.1.0 version

Seems like the bug was introduced here:


See how the defaults are no longer .min files

Would be nice to add the optional (not so optional with this bug) settings to the README:


Hello. I found the same problem. Thanks for reporting it @dkarchmer. I revert it back to version 1.0.1.

We're having the same issue

same issue ๐Ÿ˜ข

Fixed in version 1.1.1 by @StevenMapes ๐Ÿ‘ in #52