
JSONEditor library not loaded in form assets

Closed this issue ยท 6 comments

  • django-json-widget version: master
  • Django version: 2.2.12
  • Python version: 3.x

When using the JSONEditor widget on a basic modelform (non-admin page), the JSONEditor library is not loaded, resulting in the following javascript error:

Uncaught ReferenceError: JSONEditor is not defined

yes, same problem here, current version seems to be broken.

Actually.. seems like it could be fixed just by adding this within your Django

JSON_EDITOR_CSS = 'dist/jsoneditor.min.css'
JSON_EDITOR_JS = 'dist/jsoneditor.min.js'

Yup - same here after bumping 1.0.1 to 1.10.

Looks like #53 and #52 both fix this.


Fixed in version 1.1.1 by @StevenMapes ๐Ÿ‘ in #52