
Generating report: pandas.errors.EmptyDataError: No columns to parse from file

due23 opened this issue · 1 comments

due23 commented

Hi again!

Cheers for the help on the last issue I raised! I managed to successfully run modisco motifs and generate a results.h5 file. Now I am trying to generate a report from this file using the command modisco report -i modisco_results.h5 -o report/ -m motifs.txt -l motifs/pfms/.

However, I am getting a pandas.errors.EmptyDataError: No columns to parse from file error from line 77 in modiscolite/
tomtom_results = pandas.read_csv(tomtom_fname, sep="\t", usecols=(1, 5))

Does this mean that TomTom did not produce any matches to known motifs as it seems that tomtom_fname might be empty?

I am using the JASPAR CORE (non-redundant) for vertebrates as my motif database and I also wanted to ask whether this is the correct file format for the motifs database input motifs.txt:

due23 commented

Sorry I figured out I didn't have memesuite or TomTom installed on my machine and after installing it I no longer get this error!