Eleventy FontAwesome Icon

A configurable Eleventy shortcode that outputs FontAwesome icon svgs in a custom svg sprite.



npm install --save-dev @campj/eleventy-fa-icons

Adding to Eleventy

in .eleventy.js:

// require
const { FontAwesomeIcon } = require("@campj/eleventy-fa-icons");
module.exports = function(config) {
  // Shortcode
  config.addNunjucksShortcode("FontAwesomeIcon", FontAwesomeIcon);

In any nunjucks template file:

Use the shortcode:

{% FontAwesomeIcon
    name = "times",
    type = "solid",
    class = "someClassName",
    style = "font-size:24px"


  • name: the icon name
  • type: the icon type (one of "solid", "regular" or "brand") -- defaults to solid
  • class: additional classes to append to the icon wrapper
  • tag: the type of html tag you'd like to use to output the icon

** other properties will get applied to the wrapper tag as attributes


Default styles for an icon can be imported from @campj/eleventy-fa-icons/icon.css; They are pretty bare bones, so feel free to use them or not:

.icon svg {
  display: block;
  width: 1em;
  height: 1em;

Utility Methods



  • type: the icon type (one of "solid", "regular" or "brand")


const { getAvailableIcons } = require("@campj/eleventy-fa-icons");

getAvailableIcons("solid"); // outputs a list of icon names for the 'solid' type
getAvailableIcons("regular"); // outputs a list of icon names for the 'regular' type
getAvailableIcons("brand"); // outputs a list of icon names for the 'brand' type

isIconAvailable(name, type)


  • name: the icon name
  • type: the icon type (one of "solid", "regular" or "brand")


const { isIconAvailable } = require("@campj/eleventy-fa-icons");
// checks whether the icon "times" is available in the "regular" type
isIconAvailable("times", "regular");

would output the following to the console:

FontAwesomeIcon:: no, the icon 'times' is not available in type regular, but it is available in the type solid.