
Component not found

jagjordi opened this issue · 4 comments

When runing the plotgitsch the following error emerges Exception ("Kicadsch__Kicadlib.MakePainter(P).Component_Not_Found(\"Device:D_Schottky\")")

I installed the last release version and the error persists.
I attach the project that is giving me the error.


The file eV16-BSPD-cache.lib was not commited. Please follow the advices at https://jnavila.github.io/plotkicadsch/ for setting up your kicad project correctly.

I'm seeing in your .gitignore that you are ignoring precious files. I don't know where this .gitignore file comes from but it's utterly wrong.

Thank for your reply. After using your .gitignore everything works as intended. As per your question, this gitignore is the one that github provides in their gitignore repo.

Ah, thanks for the origin of the file; guess it's time to open a PR then 😉