
Primary LanguagePython

Fuel Economy Calculator

A gas station

A fuel economy calculator. This tool can be used to quickly calculate your fuel economy when filling up your tank.


Create program which does the following in order:

  1. Request the mileage at the last fill-up from the user
  2. Request the current mileage from the user
  3. Display the miles traveled to the user
  4. Request amount of gas added to the tank on this fill-up
  5. Display the miles per gallon for this fill-up to the user

Here's an example run of a correct program:

Enter mileage from last fill-up: 1000
Enter current mileage: 1300
Miles traveled: 
How many gallons did you just put in the tank? 8
You gas mileage for this fill-up was: 

Here is a screen recording of a correct run:

Demo of program running

The text of your program need not be identical to the above, but the calculated values should be correct.

You may want to review how fuel economy can be calculated if you aren't already familiar with that.

Key Concepts

In order to complete this lab, you'll need to use the following:

  • The print statement for displaying text output
  • The input statement for accepting text input
  • The int statement for converting text input to numbers
  • Variables for storing values
  • Expressions for arithmetic


I will be grading your program in part by passing a number of inputs to it and checking the output in an automated fashion. If you'd like to confirm that your program is working correctly, you may run these tests yourself by running test.py.

A successful run of test.py will produce output like the following:

Passed 5 out of 5 tests.

If tests are not passing, you will see something more like this:

Expected output 37.5 was not found in this test run:
Enter mileage from last fill-up: 1000
Enter current mileage: 1300
Miles traveled: 
How many gallons did you just put in the tank? 7
Your gas mileage for this fill-up was: 