
tracy: key=value format

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Simpler format for this one. Needs a couple things:

  • Require all props to have string or fmt.Stringer values
  • Enclose all values in single or double quotes (configurable)
  • Automatically populate timestamp

Simpler format for this one. Needs a couple things:

  • Require all props to have string or fmt.Stringer values
  • Enclose all values in single or double quotes (configurable)
  • Automatically populate timestamp

Hey i would like to work on this issue could you provide more details ?

Hey, @mdrokz! Sure thing. That first bullet point is probably a bad idea. Including int, float, and bool is also desired. A log should look like this:

level=7 timestamp=2001-01-01T00:00:00Z message="hello, world!" stringProp="value" intProp=1 floatProp=2.0 boolProp=true

So, the rules are:

  • level is the passed log level as an integer
  • timestamp is time.Now() in some format (rfc3339 is usually a good bet) NOT enclosed in quotes
  • message is the log message, enclosed in quotes
  • each prop is appended as prop.Name=prop.Value, but props whose value is string should be enclosed in quotes.

This is about 90% a formatting challenge. Feel free to ping me here or on Discord if I can help out.

Oh, and make sure you git pull --rebase origin main before you start, I just merged some changes in.

Hey, @mdrokz! Sure thing. That first bullet point is probably a bad idea. Including int, float, and bool is also desired. A log should look like this:

level=7 timestamp=2001-01-01T00:00:00Z message="hello, world!" stringProp="value" intProp=1 floatProp=2.0 boolProp=true

So, the rules are:

  • level is the passed log level as an integer
  • timestamp is time.Now() in some format (rfc3339 is usually a good bet) NOT enclosed in quotes
  • message is the log message, enclosed in quotes
  • each prop is appended as prop.Name=prop.Value, but props whose value is string should be enclosed in quotes.

This is about 90% a formatting challenge. Feel free to ping me here or on Discord if I can help out.

Cool gotcha i will let you know if i face any issues