Running Rspec works, but runningthe direct .feature file does not
Closed this issue · 8 comments
If I run all of my specs, via: bundle exec rspec
- all my specs run along with the feature defined with turnip ( WOOT! )
However, if I just run the feature file directly, via: spec/features/turnip/user_signs_up.feature
, I get this error:
Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)
1) User Signing Up Signing up via email When I visit the registration page -> And I click on Register with Email -> Then I should be taken to the new registrations page
# No such step: 'I visit the registration page'
# ./spec/features/turnip/user_signs_up.feature:3
Finished in 0.00076 seconds (files took 0.13439 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures, 1 pending
Not sure what I'm missing - but many thanks for any help given!
(( And for this legit gem! ))
Hmm, this issue not reproduce in my environment.
Please try example project
$ git clone
$ cd turnip-example
$ bundle install --path vendor/bundle
$ ruby --version
ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [x86_64-darwin14
$ bundle show | grep rspec
* rspec (3.2.0)
* rspec-core (3.2.3)
* rspec-expectations (3.2.1)
* rspec-mocks (3.2.1)
* rspec-support (3.2.2)
$ bundle exec rspec
$ bundle exec rspec spec/features/simple_feature.feature
hey @gongo -->
This definitely works in the example you provided.
However - when I pull that same simple_feature.feature
file into my project (along with its steps) -
I still get this:
Pending: (Failures listed here are expected and do not affect your suite's status)
1) A simple feature This is a simple feature Given there is a monster -> When I attack it -> Then it should die
# No such step: 'there is a monster'
# ./spec/features/turnip/simple_feature.feature:3
Finished in 0.00063 seconds (files took 0.11347 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures, 1 pending
It looks like, when I just run the .feature
file itself - it's not loading up the steps file.
I was putting the steps import, Dir.glob("spec/features/steps/**/*steps.rb") { |f| load f, true }
, in the rails_helper.rb
instead of spec_helper.rb
Congrats! 🍕