Climate device not working
zjuanma opened this issue · 1 comments
zjuanma commented
I have a IntesisHome device (Climate AC). In HA I can see the entity but it is disable.
Log in IntesisHome API is valid and it get the device from the API.
HomeAssistant version 2024.4.4
2024-06-01 14:38:28.737 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.climate] Entity None (<class 'custom_components.intesishome.climate.IntesisAC'>) implements HVACMode(s): heat_cool, heat, dry, fan_only, cool, off and therefore implicitly supports the turn_on/turn_off methods without setting the proper ClimateEntityFeature. Please report it to the author of the 'intesishome' custom integration
2024-06-01 14:38:28.739 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.intesishome.climate] Added climate device with state: {'name': 'Home', 'widgets': [15, 3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 52, 53, 54], 'model': 81, 'power': 'off', 'mode': 'cool', 'fan_speed': 2, 'vvane': 'auto/stop', 'setpoint': 270, 'temperature': 255, 'remote_controller_lock': 0, 'working_hours': 210, 'alarm_status': 0, 'error_code': 0, 'setpoint_min': 160, 'setpoint_max': 320, 'config_mode_map': 31, 'runtime_mode_restrictions': 0, 'config_vertical_vanes': 0, 'config_quiet': 0, 'config_confirm_off': 0, 'config_fan_map': {1: 'low', 2: 'medium', 3: 'high'}, 'mainenance_w_reset': 0, 'mainenance_wo_reset': 0, 'filter_clean': 0, 'filter_due_hours': 0, 'uid_185': 0, 'uid_186': 0, 'unknown_uid_187': 0, 'unknown_uid_188': 0, 'unknown_uid_189': 0, 'unknown_uid_190': 0, 'unknown_uid_193': 0, 'unknown_uid_195': 1, 'unknown_uid_197': 0, 'unknown_uid_1098': 0, 'external_led': 'on', 'internal_led': 'off', 'internal_temperature_offset': 0, 'temp_limitation': 'off', 'cool_temperature_min': 240, 'cool_temperature_max': 280, 'heat_temperature_min': 230, 'unknown_uid_50008': 1, 'unknown_uid_50010': 4, 'unknown_uid_50100': 0, 'rssi': 190}
JonLaliberte commented
Same issue here.
Logger: homeassistant.components.climate
Source: helpers/
integration: Climate ([documentation](, [issues](
First occurred: 11:32:55 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:32:55 AM
intesishome: Error on device update!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 729, in _async_add_entity
await entity.async_device_update(warning=False)
File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/", line 1289, in async_device_update
await self.async_update()
File "/config/custom_components/intesishome/", line 373, in async_update
self._current_temp = self._controller.get_temperature(self._device_id)
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pyintesishome/", line 404, in get_temperature
temperature = self.get_device_property(device_id, "temperature")
File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pyintesishome/", line 194, in get_device_property
return self._devices[str(device_id)].get(property_name)
KeyError: 'X'