

GNR8664 opened this issue · 1 comments

Couple of things.

  1. Any chance of a LIST command to show the source code and line numbers? Useful when you are not sure where you are.
  2. What about an option to remove the colour coding in the debug display? Especially for colour blind developers (==> to highlight current position etc)
  3. Support for other terminal emulators, DOS cmd for example.

Just some ideas.




I think (1) should be fairly possible; I'd considered it before, but never got to it. Now I know somebody other than me thinks it might be useful, that's a good reason to add it. :-) I'm pondering something like:

list file # lists the whole file
list file:10 # lists line 10 in the file
list file:10..20 # lists lines 10..20 in the file

Seem reasonable?

On (2), I'd been considering some kind of way of keeping settings in a file. Didn't figure out details. Being able to tweak color choices was one idea, removing them of course is possible too. Note that current position can be accurate to within a line, so it kinds needs a start and end marker really.

On (3), the problem is that DOS cmd won't cope with ANSI color escapes. I don't think the debugger should solve this, but rather it's a job for a module that can do platform-independent coloring, delegating to Term::ANSIColor which we use now or other things. Once such a module exists (maybe I'll even get to writing it myself :-)) then it should be easy to have the debugger use it.

