[Feature Request] More Colors for Icons on Screensaver
Closed this issue · 2 comments
A clear and concise description of what the feature should do.
On my screensaver I have Icons for my devices. The color changes, if the device goes on or off. Additionally I want to change the color, if the device is running or not.
I tested it with the following command:
ScreensaverEntityIconColor: getState('esphome.0.48551917BA07.Sensor.1144390574.state').val > 5 ? Red : Blue,
After reloading the panel it works, but it doesn't change the color during use.
Is it possible to implement it?
Add any other context about the problem here.
Please add the Panel/Firmware Version you are using (EU, US-L or US-P)
EU, Firmware
The section for defining the entities is only loaded when the script starts, so a "getState" is not helpful as it is only a definition and not a trigger.
This means that a “getState” only has an effect at startup.
A trigger fires later in runtime when a data point changes.
In order to still get a result, you can either, as in the example shown above
- use the val_min, val_max, val_best method (green, yellow, red)
or - additionally define a desired color through the ioBroker and use it like a waste alias.
Wiki: https://github.com/joBr99/nspanel-lovelace-ui/wiki/ioBroker-Config-Screensaver
@Armilar: That was the trick! With seperate datapoints it works perfect. I red the doc for Screensaver but not good enough :)
Thank you!!