
Error to run a test swf file

hydra1983 opened this issue · 2 comments

console output:

[exec] java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:jitb.lang.Test.main([Ljava.lang.String;)
[exec]     at java.lang.Class.getMethod(
[exec]     at apparat.jitb.JITB$$anonfun$run$4.apply(JITB.scala:155)


    public class Test
        public static function main(...args):void{
            trace("hello world!");

build with flash builder 4.7, sdk 4.6.0

joa commented

Toplevel classes are lifted to jitb.lang so if you define foo.Test it should work. Since JITB is no longer in development this issue won't be fixed.

there is a project on github called shumway, seems do the smiliar stuff like jitb with js.