
Contrib tests can not be executed

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I would want to use drupal-core-development-project for contrib development too but currently I can not do that. Tests for contrib are failing. Core tests work ok.


phpunit web/modules/contrib/devel

Gives error

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Drupal\Tests\devel_generate\Functional\DevelGenerateBrowserTestBase" not found in /var/www/web/modules/contrib/devel/devel_generate/tests/src/Functional/DevelGenerateBrowserTest.php:14

Urgh, that's because Drupal's core/tests/bootstrap.php does this:

  $loader = require __DIR__ . '/../../autoload.php';

and so is loading repos/drupal/autoload.php. That works because of the workaround in this project template which symlinks the vendor/ folder. But elsewhere in core/tests/bootstrap.php, in drupal_phpunit_contrib_extension_directory_roots() it registers namespaces from contrib modules with the autoloader, and obviously, doesn't find any contrib modules because they're not in /repos/drupal.

Not sure how to tackle this. We're including core/tests/bootstrap.php from phpunit.xml, which is handwritten and so knows the path to the file. But once inside that file, it can't know that it's symlinked in.

I think this can only be fixed in core as part of

As a workaround, you could hack the file to change all instances of DIR to the path with the symlink, that is, web/core/tests rather than repos/drupal/core/tests.

I can see how we could do this before that core issue is fixed, but it's fiddly.

Method 1 - quick but dirty, doable by users:

  1. Copy the version of core/tests/bootstrap.php
    from the MR for the core issue -- -- and place it somewhere like the project root
  2. Make a second phpunit.xml file in the project root, called, say, phpunit-contrib.xml
  3. Edit that file to define the location variables PROJECT_ROOT and DRUPAL_APP_ROOT, as demonstrated in the MR:
  4. Edit that file so that its bootstrap is the bootstrap.php file you've just made
  5. To run contrib tests, use the -c flag to load the phpunit-contrib.xml file

Method 2 - longer and also dirty, fixed in this template:

  1. We add a patch for core/tests/bootstrap.php from that MR into this template
  2. Add a step to the installation process for this template which:
    a. copies core/tests/bootstrap.php to the project root
    b. applies the patch to it
  3. Add details to the README for adding the location environment variables to phpunit.xml

I'm experimenting with this, and WEIRD STUFF is happening.

I put a phpunit-contrib.xml file in the project root, pointing to a custom test bootstrap.php file at tests/bootstrap.php.

A contrib kernel test fails with:

PHPUnit\Framework\Exception: Fatal error: Uncaught PHPUnit\Util\Xml\Exception: Could not read "phpunit-contrib.xml". in /Users/joachim/Sites/drupal-core-composer/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/Xml/Loader.php:41

This appears to be because at some point the working dir is changed to 'web'. I assume it's this in KernelTestBase:

    // Change the current dir to DRUPAL_ROOT.

So, rather than go digging into why that is done, I symlinked phpunit-contrib.xml into 'web'.

The test then fails with:

PHPUnit\Framework\Exception: Warning: require_once(./tests/bootstrap.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in Standard input code on line 119

Presumably that is the dir change causing that again.

I then replaced the bootstrap file location in phpunit-contrib.xml with an absolute path.

(Though what confuses me is how this all works when phpunit is run without the -c option and it just finds the phpunit.xml file in the current working directory. What happens after KernelTestBase does a chdir() -- how does PHPUnit find that file afterwards?)

I got this:

PHPUnit\Framework\Exception: Warning: Class "\Drupal\Tests\DocumentElement" not found in /Users/joachim/Sites/drupal-core-composer/tests/bootstrap.php on line 172

Which I've seen before in other circumstances -- it's the autoloader not being set up with the correct path. So again, it's to do with being in the Drupal root.

(Though what confuses me is how this all works when phpunit is run without the -c option and it just finds the phpunit.xml file in the current working directory. What happens after KernelTestBase does a chdir() -- how does PHPUnit find that file afterwards?)

In that circumstance, PHPUnit\Util\Xml\Loader::loadFile() gets an absolute path. With the -c option it gets a relative path.

This may be obvious to folks coming here (thanks so much, @joachim-n for providing this really useful tool for core contribution!!), but a simple workaround could be to add a symlink for the contrib modules, e.g.,

ln -s ../../../web/modules/contrib repos/drupal/modules/contrib

Might be an idea to revisit this now that we're on a new major version of PHPUnit -- the behaviour of PHPUnit\Util\Xml\Loader::loadFile() might have changed.