
Link Cable functionality

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Is there any way to use the link cable/serial communication to communicate between two running instances of the emulator, either locally or remotely? Or would this require implementing the SerialDevice interface for a new device?

@last-genius Unfortunately (and at least for now); the link cable functionality is only used for debugging (stdout-like output) in test ROMs and GameBoy printer emulation.
But I agree that it would be fantastic to have NetPlay-like connectivity via Serial emulation - something for the future or for someone to help.

Do you know of any specific scenario you'd like to explore with this functionality?

There are plenty Game Boy games that have local multiplayer through the link cable (or even 4-player multiplayer through another adapter), but most emulators do not implement the link cable functionality correctly, resulting in some of these not connecting perfectly or at all - kind of an ultimate test for the accuracy of emulation, though obviously not a priority task.