Roman Numerals Dojo


Please, perform a pull request over this repository to add your team solution:

  • Fork the repository to your github account.
  • Clone the forked repository:
$ git clone
  • Access the repository
$ cd roman-numerals-dojo
  • Create a new branch and move to it:
$ git checkout -b team_name-branch
  • Create a folder like "nameA-nameB" or just "nameA" if you are a solo developer in the root of this repository and add your solution:
$ mkdir team_name_java
$ cp -r ../MyKata ./team_name_java
  • Add changes to git and commit
$ git add -A
$ git commit -m "Added team_name solution in java"
  • Push your changes to your remote repository
$ git push --set-upstream origin team_name-branch
  • Create a pull-request from your forked and updated repository on github:
  • Select as "base fork" the "scmallorca/roman-numerals-dojo" master branch
  • Select as "head fork" your "your_name/roman-numerals-dojo" team_name branch