
silent renew control

Closed this issue · 3 comments

how can you decrease the renew interval?
currently silent-renew.html is being hit every second and I tried to put automaticSilentRenew=false
but nothing changes, also I've tried to silentRequestTimeout to increase but it seemed no efect.

The access token lifetime is set in the identity provider. I made the identity provider using identityserver4.

in class config.cs( i define the accessToken lifetime using the accesstokenlifetime attribute.

The oidc-client library renews the token according to the time set in accesstokenlifetime.

In script SecurityService.js( there are two attributes that work with renewing accesstoken: automaticSilentRenew and accessTokenExpiringNotificationTime.

accessTokenExpiringNotificationTime: The number of seconds before an access token is to expire to raise the accessTokenExpiring event

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I will close this issui. You can open this issui if you have more questions.