
Length of SMS filenames causes issues on some filesystems.

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My external HDD is NTFS, and my local filesystem is ext4. I was having an odd problem that whenever I connected an external USB HDD for a local backup on my Debian Stretch system, the entire system would lock up.

Unplugging the drive would return the system back to normal. After a lot of trial and error, it seems to be the Join files causing everything to lockup.

If you then log into Windows 10, delete the Join folder on the external HDD, and then log back into Debian Stretch, the problem goes away. Until the next time you backup/sync Join folders to the external HDD.

Those files can also create errors when using a program such as FreeFileSync. It can't seem to handle them. I've also had trouble renaming or editing individual SMS files in Windows.

Would it be possible to set shorter filenames?

Steps to reproduce the issue

Copy/sync the Join folder (with SMS files/messages) to an external USB HDD (possibly using NTFS?) on Linux Debian Stretch.

Unplug/plug the external USB HDD.

What I expected

Drive is mounted normally.

What happened instead

System locks up and external USB HDD blinks endlessly indicating that the drive is being accessed.

Thanks for the report. I'm currently working on a way to have the SMS files not show up in yor regular Google Drive which would solve this issue. Hope this helps!